Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Waterbok Hunting with Bushmen Safaris in South Africa

The Waterbok or waterbuck is one of the many species available for plains game hunting at the Bushmen Safaris wildlife conservancy. These animals is similar in size to the Greater Kudu. They form small herds and are common to the region the Bushmen Safaris calls home in South Africa. They have similar bodies to that of the Europian deer families. Visit today to learn more about all of our bowhunting packages including hunting the Waterbok.

The Waterbok or Waterbuck is a species of antelope (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) that lives in herds, usually near water, on plains and floodplains and in woodlands and swamps of sub-Saharan Africa.. Dominant bulls occupy territories which they defend by aggressive posturing and even fights. Cows, calves and young bachelors congregate in herds. The composition of such herds can vary daily as individuals freely leave or join these. They are strong swimmers and when seriously threatened, will take refuge in deep water. They are found in herds of up to 30 strong, and Waterboks are almost 5 ft (1.5 m) high at the shoulder. Males have long, heavily ridged horns that curve backward and then upward. The coarse, shaggy coat is grayish, and the rump has a white ring.

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